Anigemu toukiden 2 weapon tree spear
Anigemu toukiden 2 weapon tree spear

anigemu toukiden 2 weapon tree spear

anigemu toukiden 2 weapon tree spear

Since all of this information is so massive, it will be divided into several threads.

#Anigemu toukiden 2 weapon tree spear full#

Since translating can be a bit of a pain and no first-hand experience with the game itself, this information is not 100% accurate so there will be some incorrect information or translation errors when comparing with the future full release. This information was gathered from translating Japanese wikis and videos on a weekly basis over the course of 9 months since the game's initial Playstation Japanese release. Giving a massive amount of information and commentary to build hype or planning for those wanting to get into Toukiden 2. Games of the hunting genre, often referred to as “ Monster Hunter clones,” are still among those foreign video game curiosities that just can’t seem to grab western audiences the way it has in Japan.Greetings everyone, I'm JK3, local Toukiden guru, and this is one part of my Pre-Release Info dump series. One of the main reasons why it has not attained the same level of success in the west is that most hunting games have stubbornly clung onto dated conventions set by Monster Hunter back in 2004 and still carry on today. Well, it’s 2017 and we need something more modern. When the first Toukiden came out a few years ago, it provided a hunting game with a satisfying action combat experience from the creators of Dynasty Warriors series and featured a very Japanese flavor. In the world of Toukiden 2, it has been two years since the first game and a decade since the “Awakening” when evil Oni (demon) monsters appeared to destroy mankind. The few humans left have only survived thanks to the Slayers, warriors who fight the Oni horde using Samurai weapons and magic. Those who missed out on the first Toukiden can easily just jump into this title without prior knowledge of the story. At its core, Toukiden 2 is still a hunting game where you go through the motions: fight monsters, gather items, use items to make better gear, and repeat. However, Omega Force returns again to give the genre a sorely needed improvement to the formula. Toukiden 2 features a new open world map for the single-player story mode, which is a first for the genre, for players to explore and hunt.

anigemu toukiden 2 weapon tree spear

Previous hunting games only offered small hubs that were more utilitarian wherein players selected missions from a menu. This open world features a small village that serves as a hub for a large map filled with varying terrain and locations. This new feature adds tremendously to the game’s narrative and world building, since many of these hunting games usually show so very little of the world you live in or are trying to save. The large open map’s style leans more towards an MMORPG or Borderlands than an open world game like Skyrim with areas that are only filled with enemies to fight and items to gather. There are large sections of the map known as the “Otherworld” that are divided in different “Ages.” These Ages have themes tied into the different past eras of Japan.Īt first, these areas will be enshrouded by deadly poisonous miasma emitted by the Oni invasion. This serves as a time limit for exploring these areas and it’s an automatic game over when you are reach the maximum exposure level. These are easily cleared out as you go along the game to a negligible level. This new open world format breaks up the monotony of item gathering that plagued hunting games.

Anigemu toukiden 2 weapon tree spear