Metes and bounds drawing tool
Metes and bounds drawing tool

#Metes and bounds drawing tool code#

All db scripts and code are very foreign to me. I'm an old FORTRAN guy with very little BASIC. Looking at the script, I'm glad I wasn't forced to come up with that. This is getting good! I thought I'd be asking someone to create something from scratch. If it doesn't, then maybe try posting an example map? Set geom = Application.NewGeom(GeomArea, pointSet) That will only work if the PointSet actually encompasses the area (and is in the right order). The detail here is that GeomLine is an object type, not a function the object type for areas is GeomArea, which can equally well be created from a PointSet collection.

metes and bounds drawing tool

Yes but your guessing is right on the nail. Is there a geomareas function that makes areas? Obviously I'm guessing. There is a line in the script that uses the geomlines function. It might be simplest to use the Load from component button (the rightmost button at the top) if nothing is against it. But it might be sufficient to use the Assign Projection dialog on the result, choosing the exact projection you are working with. This could be done by improving the script. You don't need to georegister the result, only to assign it the projection of the source data. (I thought the difference was greater, but that's what I get by checking.) So I think the "duh" is mine. Manifold is more accurate than Excel only if the difference between rounding at 17 decimal places and truncating at 15 decimal places is significant to you. God forbid I take a few moments to compose my thoughts as the system will log me out and lose my message. I don't know if it will help but here are the first two entries from the coordinates table. It seems to me Art Lembo has a way of inserting coordinates and generating an area, but I'm not sure I can calculate coordinates in Excel (where's my Analytical Geometry book when I need it?). My question is this, Is there a way to make this process go faster? I'm thinking of a table where I could paste the Excel data directly, click Go, and the drawing would be made. The one I'm working on presently, which has prompted this question, has about 50 different corners as it "follows the meander of the river" for at least a thousand feet. Then I proceed to type in the direction and distance data calculated in Excel. The process I use to draw a map in Manifold is to convert the metes and bounds into a direction and distance in Excel, then I bring up Manifold, view my map, create a new drawing, drag the new drawing onto the map, click on Create Area, click on Insert Area, click on the starting point on the map and while I'm clicked, I hit the Insert key on the keyboard to bring up the Coordinates insertion window (my favorite tool in version 6.5).

metes and bounds drawing tool

Metes and bounds look like this: N37º 25' 38" E 450.54 varas, where a vara is a unit of distance. Even though the Manifold people choose to ignore it, all surveys done in Texas (a relatively large and well-known state) are done using metes and bounds, yes, still.

metes and bounds drawing tool

I use shape files from the state and overlay my own areas to show local property ownership.

Metes and bounds drawing tool